Friday, December 31, 2004

Today Is New Years Eve

Will ,I have no idea what to exspect from my signifcant other. He's so crabby sometimes it's not funny. I never seen anyone in a sour mood so much. His name is Phil. Now , we have a dog. Actually the dog is his but I love very much so I consider him mine too. His name is Duke. He's happy and chipper. I guess it's going to be long and complaining day. I mean Phil complains about everything and anything . It's as if he needs to be in a bad mood all the time.I never seen anyone so miserable . He really gets on my nerve.

On another note . You may ask why am I here. Well, as I described I'm a struggling addict. The one good quality about him is he is a safe zone for me. When I'm with him I don't want to do drugs and he doesn't do them either. However, it seems he may need to do something because if being sober all the time is the pitiful maybe being high is better.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Somethings I'd like to do

I'd like to go back to schoolI 'd also like to beautify my blog and that's coming soon

Today's the beginning

Well, today is the beginning of this blog.
I want to begin by saying that I'm a single black female with issues up the mountain.I have two children a son 18yrs. old and daughter 14yrs. old. I am a struggling addict and sometimes you will hear about my struggles with drugs and life. I'm reasonably intelligent but somehow I caught in this crazy life. Anyway , writing sometimes takes the edge off and helps me sort things out and put things in perspective.