Monday, January 03, 2005

A Brand New Day

Well, today is back to school for the kids. My daughter is not happy about that at all. Myself , I was in college and now I have to straighten out a mess I made of that situation. Because of my using i missed so much i couldn't finish last semester. Now, I have to see if they will let me come back.

On another note I've been at Phil's for a bout near a week. When I came I had bronchitis really bad. I coughed so much , my nose would bleed. Now , it's better. We couldn't do the nasty. Now, because he had been so evil about stupid shit I don't want to do it with him. That's odd for me because he has always found ways to annoy but it never turned me off like this.Maybe , the urge will return.

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50 Cent - P.I.M.P.

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